Ok. I have another exciting home repair entry today. My aim for this blog is to provide information that isn’t always readily available. Things that we see all the time that aren’t always as clear as they seem to be. Here is another one.
One of our long time customers came in with a problem. He had just replaced the washers in his shower and was able to get the leak stopped but ended up with a very low water pressure. He said he had taken the shower faucet apart 3 times and still couldn’t get it to work. He showed me the package the replacement washers had been in (not our brand by the way but we let these things pass) and the washers he had taken out of his faucet. The replacements were the correct ones. He couldn’t figure out what he did wrong.
This happens all of the time. Or at least in our area it does. Our water has a high mineral content and deposits often build up in pipes and faucets. When he took the faucet apart the minerals were displaced. They traveled to the shower head and clogged it up. This happens on other faucets as well. The aerator gets clogged. It is amazing that such a simple thing happens as often as it does. So, if you have a low pressure after doing any plumbing work check the aerators.